


In this hands-on workshop/seminar, you'll learn how to calculate the current value of your company, and how to increase its value.

The workshop is divided into five parts:

  1. Learn how to value your own business in four easy steps. Then a year later, you can use them to see how much you have increased the value of your company .
  2. Learn 50 ways to increase the value of your business. All attendees rate their company against each improvement idea.
  3. Project Plan for Improvement. You then use the areas where you rated yourself on the low side as the basis to create your Project Plan of action.
  4. How to protect you company presented by an attorney.
  5. Exit strategy – selling family members, employees or to a third party.

The Workbook

This workbook is a valuable resource not available to the public. You leave many seminars with only PowerPoint slides but this 125-page workbook is a standalone resource. Even if you did not attend the presentation this workbook would be easy to understand and equip you apply the above 5 sections on your own. It lays out a step by step process to accomplish the goals of the seminar. Many of the concepts and methodologies presented in this workshop are unique and to our knowledge, unavailable from any other sources. It will continue to be a resource for your company long after attending the workshop.

Workshop Summary

Many business owners do not contact a merger and acquisition firm until after they’ve made the decision to sell their business. Then, too late, they realize a number of things they could have done to enhance the value of their company. This workshop huge take-away for business owners where it gives you a simple 4 step method to value your business from year to year tools to continually improve your business, how to protect your business and exit strategy options. This workshop clearly elevates a business owner’s knowledge so that when the owner eventually decides to sell, they can achieve maximum value, with no surprises.


Learn an easy, four-step method of business valuation for most any closely held company. Based on economic feasibility, the process was not invented by PGI but has been developed from our experience and knowledge of what buyers have actually paid for closely held companies, a.k.a., the “Street Value.”

Clear and concise, this presentation doesn't attempt to compare closely held companies to public companies. You'll leave with tools you can easily use right away. Due to the confidential nature of closely-held business transactions, the concepts, methodology, and data in this seminar are not easily found in any publications and are generally not otherwise available except from a source in the market like our firm. The comprehensive seminar book is a valuable resource that will allow you to easily reference this valuation method long after attending the seminar.

The Oregon, Washington, California and Utah State Bar Associations have certified this presentation for one hour of Continuing Legal Education (CLE).

Feedback from US Bank participants (workshop sponsor)

Following our May 9th workshop:

95% felt the conference “met their expectations “
90% felt the conference was “timed right, not too short, not too long.”
100% “would recommend this conference to other business owners.”

Following our October 25th workshop:

100% of respondents felt the conference met or exceeded their expectations and they “would recommend the conference to another business owner.”

US Bank obtained these comments from attendees after attending a workshop:

“The conference exceeded my expectations. There were a number of concrete, reasonable steps presented that would increase the value of my business.”

“Your workshop on how to increase the value of your business was excellent. The presentation exceeded my expectations, since these types of workshops are usually pretty generic. This had very specific actions to take. It was well thought out and delivered in a very concise manner.”

“Even though I am a CPA and have had countless hours of training in my past, it is too easy to become involved in the details of the everyday business life and forget to step back and look at the big picture. Thank you for inviting me this morning. It was very interesting and challenging for me. It provoked many thoughts and ideas, especially in the area of realizing that my business maybe worth more than I think sometimes.”

“Thank you for the opportunity for feedback on your conference; everyone did an excellent job covering a vast amount of information. The conference exceeded my expectations and we will use the workbook to determine the future growth and potential of our company.”

“I enjoyed the program and found the information useful. I would recommend this for anyone contemplating the sale of their business or who is interested in learning about business valuation.”

“One of the better conferences or seminars I have attended, as a CPA I spend about 40 hours per year in classes and this was one of the most relevant and a good use of my time. “

“ I had little or no preconceptions about the conference and was pleased with both the oral presentations and the printed materials. The materials and the pace of instruction were well suited to owners and managers that are new to valuation concepts. I’m looking forward to sending other members of our management team so that they can better understand the owner’s perspective and the importance of increasing the value of the firm. Please let me know the next time this course will be presented in Portland.”

“The conference did not meet my expectations, because I had the wrong expectations. The format you used was more effective than what I anticipated. I was very pleased with the way the information was shared and with the fact that we left with a great reference tool. “

“ I thought the content and presentation was just great. I have to admit that I made a judgment from the invitation that the meeting was more for people who would be considering selling their business and found that it was really more for people to understand their business better and run it more efficiently, which would make it worth more if you wanted to sell it.”


Edward Epstein

Stoel Rives, LLP

"Our mergers and acquisitions group thanks you for the program by you and your colleagues with respect to the determining “street value” of closely held businesses. And a number of lawyers have commented to me that the subject you discussed ill be helpful to them in their law practices."

David Copley Freeman

TonkonTorp, LLP

"I found your seminar insightful and beneficial and would recommend it to others who want to learn more on this topic. I also found the materials helpful and plan to use them as a reference source."

John E. McCormick

Sussman Shank, LLP

"Our firm benefited from your presentation some year ago and we recently felt it was time to host it again so that our newer members could benefit from this knowledge."

Kenneth E. Roberts

Foster Pepper Tooze, LLP

"Great program and materials. It was such a popular show that we had to bring in extra chairs."

Truman Stone

Oregon State Bar

"I want to thank you for the time, effort and expertise you dedicated to the program. The Bar would not be able to offer such a successful seminar without your participation."

Eric Sogge

Kell, Alterman & Runstein, LLP

"Thank you for presenting your seminar to our firm. My colleagues and I found your presentation, material, and examples helpful, interesting and practical. We came away with many helpful insights for our clients."

Milton R. Stewart

David Wright Tremaine LLP

"Thank you for your excellent presentation to our business group. Our lawyers attending (which I note were principally partners, who often don’t easily find time for seminars and CLEs) found the presentation informative and the materials informally excellent. We very much appreciate your effort and intend to call on you in the future to repeat the seminar for yet another group of our lawyers."

James C. Griggs

Saalfield Griggs Gorsuch Alexander & Emerick, PC

"Your presentation was both practical and very informative. The booklet you prepared will serve as a very useful resource for all of us who were able to attend. We believe that your straightforward analysis can be easily communicated to many of our clients."

Jeffrey C. Bodie

Grenley, Rotenberg, Evans, Bragg & Bodie, PC

"We can wholeheartedly recommend your presentation to other professionals who are interested in an excellent “real-world” model for valuing businesses."

Shannon Pratt

Willamette Management Associates

"Your presentation was not only informative, but also lively and very entertaining. I am sure that others would find it that way as well."